AquaSavio was founded by Shirish Patwardhan in 1984.
We dedicated, over thirty years, for Water Evaporation Retardant development. We tried various practical, cost-effective, Fatty Acid / Alcohol compounds, with various formulations, mixtures at numerous sites. The proven formulation with consistent performance was secured as our formula. All the materials used in ‘Evaloc’ are non-toxic and ecologically acceptable. Evaloc is Registered Brand Name of Product.
AquaSavio has
over 20,000 sq. ft. ISO 8001 manufacturing facilities...
Well equipped R & D laboratory...
Efficient material handling system...
Necessary logistical infrastructure...
Since recent years, as part of ongoing research numerous options took place at various sites. Most “User Friendly” at site application technique and integrated application methods, as per individual site requirement was invented. Complete Integrated Technology involving MPDT, SRP, SFMDA i.e. Material, Equipment and Method is Patented in India and 27 Countries..
Integrated Evaloc Application Process/Technique, Methodology, Equipment, like…
- SRP - Sustained Release Packing (built-in adequate dose dispenser pack)
- MPDT - Multi Point Dispensing Technique. (Independent Dose Dispensing Mechanism for entire period)
- SFMDA - Stationary Floating Marked Dispensing Apparatus (Durable Anchored Special Assembly)
- SPDA - Small Pond Direct Application – Mainly suitable to farm Ponds with Small surface. (Each Pack is Independent with SRP, Anchor Bag and Rope and takes few seconds to assemble and apply)
The Integrated use of above techniques ensure, uniform Evaloc film coverage over water surface for maximum period, in spite of wind, local turbulence etc., which is the soul of entire operation.
Till today, we have saved over 15 MCM or 15 Billion Litters Water from hundreds of storages since 1983.
Our Water Resource Management Expertise Areas…
- Water Harvesting – Water Yield Estimation as per Precipitation, topography, surface runoff Preparation of Water Balance Sheet.
- Water Storage Creation – Storage Computations, Design & Preparation.
- Water Preservation – Seepage Loss, Pollution Control.
- Water Conservation – Evaporation Column Retardation.
- Water Usage, Distribution – Need Based Water usage computations Water Distribution Network Design Water Usage Audit.
- Water Purification – Surface Water to Potable Quality.
- Water Reclaiming and Recycling – System Design as per Primary and Secondary utilisation.
- Water Harvesting & Storage Plan (Reliable, Workable and Affordable).
Our Water Related services…
- Need Based Water Assessment.
- Assess water quantity available for Water Harvesting.
- Water Storage Computation - Planning quantity, location, storage etc.
- Selection of types of storage as per site availability.
- Selection of storage size as per water source availability.
- Finalise the storage quantity and numbers.
- Providing workable Design of storage.Facilitate material procurement for storage.
- Undertake study for water balancing as per the need.
- Provide Evaporation Retardant, material, equipment for existing tanks.
- Devise and develop the Internal Water Audit - System, if necessary.